This project builds off my previous project in which the user was able to create 8 cubes that resemble a firework effect on every click. The 8 cubes move in the 8 ordinal directions and delete after a certain time. The user is able to track their mouse position as well as change the speed and color of the fireworks. They can also randomize the color of the fireworks and background, as well as view the time. The newest version of this project also allows the user to customize stars in the background using animations. They can do things such as switch the animation and the speed of the animation. The project’s numerous features are listed below:

Feature 1: Display mouse position

Input: Mouse location

Process: Assigns the current mouse x and y position to text object

Output: Text is displayed in the lower left corner showing X and Y of the mouse

Difference: This feature is one of the requirements listed in the instructions

Feature 2: Create firework effect

Input: Mouse left click

Process: Creates a firework effect by instantiating 8 cubes moving in 8 directions, taking a speed and color chosen by the user and deleting after 2 seconds

Output: 8 cubes moving in 8 different directions

Difference: This feature is different from the class project as instead of painting, the cubes are creating a firework effect

Feature 3: Change color

Input: Dropdown menu

Process: Changes the color of the cubes by using a dropdown consisting of the colors red, blue, green, and yellow

Output: The color of the cubes change

Difference: This feature is different from the class project because it utilizes a dropdown menu as opposed to a slider

Feature 4: Change speed

Input: Slider

Process: Changes the speed of the cubes by allowing the user to slide between 2 and 20 speed

Output: The speed of the cubes change

Difference: This feature does not resemble anything from the class project

Feature 5: Display time and message

Input: Current time

Process: Assigns the time and a message to a text object based on the user’s current system time

Output: Time is displayed along with a message stating whether it is a good time for fireworks

Difference: This feature is one of the requirements listed in the instructions and differs from the lectures as it displays digitally along with a changing message

Feature 6: Randomize background color

Input: Button

Process: When clicked, changes the color of the background by using the random range math function to create a random color

Output: A random background color

Difference: This feature uses a button to randomly change the color of the background, which I do not recall being in any of the lectures

Feature 7: Randomize firework color

Input: Toggle

Process: When toggled, changes the color of the 8 cubes to a random color every time the user clicks to create a firework, also utilizing the random range math function

Output: The color of the cubes change every launch

Difference: This feature randomly changes the color of all 8 cubes after each click, which is not the same as the lectures

Feature 8: Firework counter

Input: Mouse left click

Process: Increases the firework counter every time a click is registered and a firework is created

Output: The firework counter increases by 1

Difference: This feature does not directly resemble anything from the lectures

Feature 9: Reset background color

Input: Button

Process: When clicked, changes the color of the background to its initial dark muted blue state

Output: A reset background color

Difference: This feature does not directly resemble anything from the lectures

Feature 10: Change type of animation

Input: Dropdown

Process: Changes the type of animation on the star prefabs by using a dropdown consisting of 3 options: twinkling stars, colorful stars, and no stars (the stars are disabled)

Output: The type of animation changes

Difference: This feature is one of the requirements listed in the instructions

Feature 11: Change animation speed

Input: Slider

Process: Changes the speed of the star prefab animations by allowing the user to slide between 1 and 5 speed

Output: The speed of the current animation is changed

Difference: This feature is one of the requirements listed in the instructions

Feature 12: Pause animation

Input: Toggle

Process: When toggled, changes the speed of the star prefab animations to 0, effectively pausing the animation

Output: The current animation is paused

Difference: This feature is one of the requirements listed in the instructions

Feature 13: Send animation into overdrive

Input: Toggle

Process: When toggled, changes the speed of the star prefab animations to a high number (10) that is not possible in the speed slider to make it go into overdrive

Output: The current animation speed becomes extremely fast

Difference: This feature does not directly resemble anything from the lectures

**Features 14-17 (Cover Page): Choose project

Input: Button

Process: When clicked, changes the scene to the corresponding project based on the users selection

Output: The scene changes

Difference: This feature along with the cover page was required by the instructions

Made withUnity

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